
Why We Do This


On May 30, 2007, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates joined together for an interview at the D5 conference. Gates explained why and how Apple and Microsoft developed their products, he said:

“Steve gave a speech once, which was one of my favorites where he talked about, in a certain sense, we build the products that we want to use ourselves.” See the video

Our team has been performing GHG reporting and verifications for over 10 years, and in that time have become frustrated and left wondering about the software that was being used for regulatory reporting with the Alberta Specified Gas Emitter Regulation (SGER)/ Carbon Competitiveness Incentive Regulation (CCIR)/ Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER), and other GHG reporting programs.

The black box nature of some software presents challenges for reporters, verifiers, and auditors to do their jobs. This results in the reporting company investing greater amounts of manpower and resources to respond to clarifying questions. The “one quantification fits all” approach that is used by existing GHG reporting software does not consider the differences between jurisdictions, facilities, and industries.

We designed EmissionX™ with easy verification and assurance in mind by integrating data science tools (e.g., Jupyter Lab) with CI/CD processes, offering the most flexibility, transparency, and customization. This not only leads to smoother verifications and audits, but also provides reporting companies with the freedom to do their own, in-house, analysis and dashboard reporting.

EmissionX™ is programed for many different regulatory and voluntary reporting frameworks, including but not limited to:

  • Alberta TIER, BC GHG Reporting Regulation, ECCC OBPS, SK OBPS, ON EPS
  • ECCC MSAPR (Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulation)
  • GHG Protocol
  • more

Facility 2 (US EPA GHGRP)Data RepositoryFacility 1 (AB Tier) Data RepositoryGeneric GHG CalculationNon-regulatory facility &resourcesCreate new branchContinuous IntegrationEPA GHGRP Specific MethodologyAlberta Specific MethodologyMerge Review &ApprovePush CodeChangesPush Code Push Code Automatically build & testContinuous DeploymentAutomatically build, test & deployEPA RegulatoryReportingAlberta RegulatoryReportingCorporate ESGReporting